The Merchant requires the customer to do a once–off Auth–only transaction on VPG to validate the credit card details.
The customer also has the option to make a payment, in which case the transaction will be an Auth+Settle.
The Customer captures his credit card details on the Recurring Checkout page.
The customer completes a 3D Secure check for his card.
VPG processes an Auth to validate the card, or an Auth+Settle for a purchase transaction.
If the transaction succeeds, VPG submits the card details to the bank for tokenisation.
Asynchronously, the bank returns a Pending status to VPG while the card is being tokenised.
On completion of the transaction, VPG responds to the HTTPS Form POST from the merchant with the payment transaction status
and returns the transaction result to the customer.
If the merchant wishes, the status can be displayed via a redirect to a page on VPG.
The tokenisation response is returned to the merchant asynchronously after a successful tokenisation response is received from the bank.
VPG sends the merchant the token. The merchant must include this token and their unique merchant identifier
and customer identifier in all future scheduled recurring payments for their customer.
Take note, this is a lengthy batch process and runs as scheduled tasks between VFS and the bank.
It should never be relied upon to be returned quickly or included in a synchronous user–journey with the customer.